But I’m only getting my dress on…

I hear those words spoken so often when brides ask me if they should have me photograph “getting ready photos”. There is so much more going on the morning of your wedding than just getting your hair done, or putting your wedding dress on. So much happens before the walk down the aisle on your wedding day. Investing in 2 or 3 more hours of coverage the day of your wedding is something that you will absolutely be so glad you did. The cake will get eaten, boquets will fade and decorations will loose there luster. Photographs will be what remains, capturing all of those moments to cherish.

I have dedicated this blog post to show you solely “before” photographs from a wedding. It is a chance for me to capture those unfiltered moments between best friends, the bride seeing her flowers for the first time, the groom and his best man figuring out how to put on a tie clip and so much more. Your wedding day will go by in a blur; having those photographs as a reminder of the laughs, tears of joy and anticipation of what it to come is so worth it.

“Moments never stay, whether or not you ask them, they do not care, no moment cares, and the ones you wish could stretch out like a hammock for you to lie in, well, those moments leave the quickest and take everything good with them, little burglars, those moments, those hours, those days you loved the most.”
― Catherine Lacey

As the photographer is also gives me a chance to take those beautiful shots of your wedding dress, family heirlooms, and wedding details. With larger weddings becoming the norm, the morning is usually still a time when the bride and groom are with their closest family and friends. I will be there to capture those intimate moments. It also gives you a chance to warm up to having your photograph taken and for your friends and family to get to know me before the day really gets going.

The wedding below is just a portion of the almost 400 images the bride received of “getting ready” shots. So is that extra investment worth it when you are “only getting dressed?” For my brides I would say yes!

Spring Wedding
Beautiful location in Saugerties NY, Between the Hudson River and the Catskill Mountains

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Spring Wedding
Family heirloom earings
Spring Wedding
Love that she wore her grandmothers headpiece

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Spring Wedding

Spring Wedding

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Spring Wedding

Spring Wedding

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